BACKPACKING 101 So you are ready to take on the world. You've quit that soul sucking job where you wanderlusted on your company computer. You've pinterested in between meetings and instagramed during meetings and now it's time to pack your bags.

What are you taking? What do you really need? Here are a few of my fav's.

BACKPACK // How hard is it to find a front loading backpack? Really hard. Top loading packs make it hard to reach those items you've stuffed at the bottom. I loved this backpack because it made everything in my pack accessible without all the bells & whistles.

SHOES // Remember my post before I left about how hiking boots are not sexy? Guess what? They are still not sexy. Not much has changed in the women's hiking boot world in the past year. Since I bought these boots and traded out the laces for some bold red ones, they've seen the Arctic Circle, Trans-Siberian Railway, and Gobi Desert to name a few. They are still in great condition a year later and currently use them for California hikes.

RAIN COVER // Oh hey downpour. Caught in monsoon season? Don't get caught without a backpack cover. This one saved my pack from several downpours and from all that ferry sludge in Thailand.

UMBRELLA // So you have your rain cover and your pack is safe but what about you? I am so glad I brought an umbrella because I can't tell you how many times the clouds unexpectedly opened up.

TOWEL // Budget travel doesn't allow for those plush 5 star towels. Take your own. They double as pillows.

FIRST AID KIT // Blisters, cuts, gashes, etc. You will get them all. Be prepared.

ELECTRICAL TAPE  // Saved me in a pinch for a lot of random needs. Also used this to tape my shampoo and conditioner tops down when in transit.

NYLON CORD // Remember that bunk rail on the Trans-Siberian Train that was broken? Rigging it with nylon cord was the perfect solution. Also, all those times I was hand washing my laundry in the shower, I used this to hang my undies to dry!

SUNSCREEN // You will burn. It will hurt.

WET WIPES // Clutch for that 8 day trip to the Gobi Desert.

BUG REPELLANT // I'm allergic to mosquito bites. Enough said.

FLASHLIGHT // I'm not afraid of the dark, but I'm afraid of the dark when I have no idea where I am.

SCARF // Style, warmth, and that perfect thing to tie around your waste if you need to squat in the middle of Mongolia with a little discretion.